Spotlight on...

Victoria Christmas

Victoria joined the Space Professionals Partnership network from its outset and is a specialist in bid strategy with significant experience working in the space sector.

Victoria founded Orange Tree Partnership in 2015 to provide specialist expertise to companies on developing their bidding strategy and key proposals. She now works in the Space sector supporting industry and academia to develop sound actionable strategies for company development and bids.

In the last five years, she has worked with over 200 space companies enabling them to unlock opportunities and development new products in the space sector. She has worked with ESA in the application of space tech and data and currently works with UKSA as an expert panellist and assessor supporting UK applicants to secure funding and commercialise new development.

Her bidding career spans twenty years across defence, commercial and academic sectors. Victoria is an award-winning bid professional, a trained mentor and a STEM Ambassador with a passion for developing capability in others.

When not wrangling space mavericks into winning millions…she is always on the lookout for new cake recipes and can often be found crocheting amigurumi!